When it comes to generating an info-product, there are 2 kinds of styles to choose from. It's either you be creative or innovative. Creative means, you examine the market and come up with a good solution.
In effect, it is coming up with an info-product that will solve an existing need. For Example, if you observe that there are a lot of individuals having a problem to write a salesletter, you come up with a salesletter generator software.
Or, if you observe that many individuals are trying to prepare their joint venture's details, you can invent a joint venture profile software. Essentially, you'll be the first person to hit in the market. Make sense?
However if you want to minimize your risk of failing and earn money fast, I'll opt to be an innovator. Study the existing products available to fill the demand of a market. Check how good the sales volume is. Then, I'll be an innovator to offer improved solution or tap on the existing opportunity.
Not sure what this means?
Let me explain ...
One may have realized that there are numerous sales letter generator in the market, this is because of the innovative marketers that are making them. Another case of an innovator marketer is the somewhat new company called PayDotCom that gives similar service like Clickbank.com.
PayDotCom was launched successfully after the creative company called Clickbank.com. When it comes to providing credit card processing service with built-in affiliate tracking program, Clickback.com was the first to provide such. Currently, there are new innovative marketers that have presented an affiliate tracking tool that can be included with other credit card processors like Paypal.com, 2checkout, authorize.net, etc.
Innovative marketing doesn't limit to duplicating what is successful and trying to be better, bigger or less expensive. That's a very narrow observation on how to make money and it will normally fail. You will modify the entire profit model by adding these 2 ingredients which are as follows:
1. Looking for an angle
Finding an angle means positioning yourself different from those who made it first. Take for instance, Clickbank.com is a success. However other affiliate tracking tools that did not have a built-in credit card processor were very successful too by tying up with third party credit card company. A good example of this, is again, PayDotCom.
2. Complimenting with the pioneer
Make an info-product that can ride on the existing successful market. For discussion purposes, let's take for instance Clickbank.com. To improve the convenience of using Clickbank, various new tools were created.
Examples are: Software to manage your Clickbank.com affiliates; Software to extract your Clickbank sales report into a Microsoft Excel file; Software to create Clickbank.com search engine tool that is incorporated with Clickbank ID;Instructional videos on how to setup Clickbank.com account; and many more.
See what's happening on the internet.Make a decision whether you want to become a creative or innovative marketer. Then, ACT NOW!